Article 36. Securities companies shall not engage in stock trading activities to raise capital or stocks from clients. 第三十六条证券公司不得从事向客户融资或者融券的证券交易活动。
'Chinese people should all be indignant,'said Du Chunhua, who works for a trading company in the Chinese capital.'I think it's really bad that they are trying to ruin such a peaceful event.' 就职于北京一家贸易公司的杜春华(音)说,所有的中国人都应该感到愤慨,那些人想破坏如此平和的一项活动,太坏了。
The banks have told clients and regulators that new regulations including the Volcker rule, designed to prohibit proprietary trading, and the Basel III capital rules are hurting their ability to hold bonds. 银行已告知客户和监管人士,新的监管规定包括旨在禁止自营交易的沃尔克规则(VolckerRule)以及《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)资本金规定将损害它们持有债券的能力。
Macau provides good trading links and Hong Kong the capital, management skills and professional services essential to finance and build the necessary infrastructure. 另一方面,澳门可以提供优越的商贸机会,而香港的资金、管理以及专业化的服务为投资兴建基础设施提供了重要的条件。
Goldman's advantage is evident not so much in proprietary trading the bets it places with its money, which account for less than one-tenth of its profits but in principal trading, where it uses its capital to underwrite clients 'trades. 高盛的优势在自营交易部门并不如在主要交易部门那么明显。前者是用高盛自己的资金押注,占其利润的比重还不到十分之一。
The popular narrative is that Goldman uses its privileged trading position in capital markets to double-deal, favouring some clients more than others, but above all favouring itself; 普遍的说法是高盛利用自己在资本市场上的特权交易地位搞两面派,帮助一些客户受益更多,但首先是帮助自己;
To solve it, the potential entrants are considering how to issue other types of shares known as depository receipts-but that is complicated by China's trading and capital restrictions. 为了解决这个问题,潜在的加入者正考虑如何发行其他类型的股份,被称为存托凭证收益-不过中国对贸易和资本的限制让它变得异常复杂。
Determine this each day, adding profits and subtracting losses in open trades, and combine this net figure with your trading capital. 每天对此加以计算,在持仓交易中加上盈利,减去亏损,再把这一数字同你的交易资本结合起来。
Competition between fund managers, meanwhile, has come to revolve around short-term price movements, leading too often to the sort of herding, hyperactive trading and poor capital allocation that marked the dotcom bubble. 与此同时,基金经理之间的竞争已发展到围绕短期价格波动展开,而这常常导致羊群效应、超级活跃的交易和低效的资本配置(这些统统是互联网泡沫时期的特点)。
It does not use its own balance sheet to compete against clients by, say, trading with its own capital. 该公司没有利用自己的资产与客户展开竞争,例如通过自营交易。
Structured products held for trading will also attract an additional capital charge and more capital will be required against off-balance sheet vehicles. 交易型结构性产品也将带来额外的资本支出,资产负债表外投资工具也需进行更多资本拨备。
The full-service investment bank, buying and selling shares and bonds for customers as well as advising companies and trading with its own capital, is doomed. 此类投资银行既开展代客户买卖股票和债券、为企业提供建议等服务,也以自有资金进行交易。
Some of this withdrawal has been going on since the crisis-the fees paid to banks for trading in capital markets as well as for advising on Takeovers and sales of shares and bonds have been falling for a few years now. 自经济危机以来,部分此类撤退仍在继续&在资本市场,银行的交易、收购顾问以及销售股票和债券收取的费用近几年一直减少。
Goldman's market-driven business means it is more vulnerable to the deliberations of the Basel committee on trading capital and stressed risk metrics than regulators 'search for the right headline capital number. 高盛以市场为导向的业务意味着,与监管机构寻求正确的总体资本金水平相比,该行更容易受到巴塞尔委员会(Baselcommittee)考虑实施的交易资本和压力风险衡量标准的影响。
Trading sex for capital – the oldest exchange – has probably become more common in this crisis. 以性换取资本这种最古老的交易,可能在这场危机中变得更为常见了。
Banks have warned that a sweeping interpretation of the "Volcker rule" banning prop trading would sharply reduce liquidity in capital markets, harming investors and fund managers. 银行业警告称,假如对禁止自营交易的“沃尔克规则”进行宽泛的诠释,将导致资本市场的流动性大为减少,损害投资者和基金管理公司的利益。
We must admit that it was a mistake to relax trading capital requirements in 1996. 我们必须承认,1996年放松交易资本规定的做法是错误的。
The consultation, which closes in September, is the second stage of a push to change trading book capital rules. 将于9月结束的公开征求意见,是监管机构旨在改变交易账户资本规则的第二次努力。
Beijing Pulesi Technology Company Limited is a new founded trading company based in Beijing, the capital of P.R. 公司是一家具有独立法人资格的综合性科技开发、生产及贸易有限公司。
And yet it is the only major trading nation to use capital controls to prevent its currency rising to market levels. 但它同时也是贸易大国中唯一采取资本管控、以阻止本币汇率升至市场水平的国家。
We must preserve our trading capital and reenter when MACD-Histogram ticks up from its third bottom, as long as it is higher than the first. 我们必须保留资金,等MACD柱从第3个底再次上涨时再次进场,底部还要比第1个底部高。
This paper discusses some specific designing principles of capital market experiments from four aspects, i. e. the choice of trading institutions, the design of experimental capital, the number of subjects, the design of common knowledge. 必须从交易制度的选择、实验室资产的设计、被试个数的确定、共同知识设计等四个方面探讨资本市场实验的若干具体的设计准则。
On the Establishment of Paper Trading Market in China Capital Operation Analysis of Pulp& Paper Limited-liability Company of China 建立我国纸品交易市场初探我国纸业上市公司资本运营分析
Research on Swarm-based Simulation for Trading Process of Capital Market 连续双拍卖市场交易过程的Swarm仿真研究
In this paper, based on the analysis of the trade body, price system and market signals of the intellectual capital market in the enterprise, the agent-principal theory is used to analyze the trading mechanism of the intellectual capital, and some suggestions are set forth. 在对企业内部智力资本市场的交易主体、价格系统和市场信号分析的基础上,运用委托代理理论,分析了企业智力资本交易机理,并提出了一些建议。
The Effects of Nonsynchronous Trading On Capital Asset Pricing 非同步交易对资本资产定价的影响
Meanwhile, as a result of larger scale enterprises, the production and trading activities require huge capital flow, so, the credit pays becomes the main form of transaction. 同时由于企业规模逐渐变大,企业的生产、交易活动均需要庞大的资金流,因此信用支付成为企业间交易的主要方式。
Margin trading as China capital market is a fundamental system innovation, will bring the legal system. 融资融券交易作为我国资本市场一项基础性制度创新,必然带来法律制度的变革。
Home handicraft changes from sideline production which can only be sold when self-used abound to commodity production. The intervention and control of trading capital promotes it turns into capitalist production and scattered manufacture gradually. 家庭手工艺从自用有余才出售的家庭副业逐步转变为商品生产,在商业资本的干预和控制下,成为资本主义性质的家庭劳动,并向分散的工场手工艺转化。
As a rapidly developing and growing thing in the market economy, financial derivative has become the shortest, fastest growing and largest trading financial instruments in the international capital market history. 作为市场经济体系中迅速发展壮大的新兴事物,金融衍生品已经成为当今国际资本市场上存在历史最短、发展速度最快、交易规模最大的金融工具。